Friday, October 5, 2012

LATINO PROJECT - American Worker

Sisters and Brothers,
With only 32 days to go until the election, we wanted to provide you with an update on some of the races important to Latino communities across the nation. There is exciting and growing momentum in many important races relevant to our cause.
In the Senate race for Arizona, a new poll shows Dr. Richard Carmona leading Republican representative Jeff Flake, 45%-43%. This is extremely positive news in a heavily Republican state like Arizona, as the website Daily Kos has changed its rating for this race from "Leaning R" to the "Tossup" category. We are proud to be involved in this race, and look forward to working to continue the momentum for Carmona.
Also moved from "Leaning R" to the "Tossup" category this week was the CA-10 race between Jose Hernandez and GOP incumbent Jeff Denham. Hernandez is leading 46%-44% in recent polling, performing ahead of expectations in this challenging district. Hernandez entered this race as a significant underdog, so his progress is very encouraging. We are currently active in this race as well, and are very pleased with this recent movement.
Finally, in the fight for TX-23, Pete Gallego has moved ahead of GOP Rep. Quico Canseco 43%-38% in a recent poll. Although Gallegos is being outspent by Canseco at a rate of 5-1, he has been able to persevere and carry momentum forward in this hotly contested district. This is yet another race that has moved from "Leaning R" to "Tossup." We are proud to be facilitating the positive trend for Gallegos with our current work on the ground and on the airwaves in TX-23.
As you can see, the momentum and effort to have more Latino representation in our government is growing. Therefore, we encourage you to spread the word about voter registration, early voting and absentee ballots. The progress that has been achieved will only be meaningful if we encourage Latinos to get out the vote on Election Day.
With less than 5 weeks to go, it is crucial to make sure that our community exercises its civic duty so that our collective voice is heard.
In Lasting Unity,
The Latino Project
This communication was made by the Latino Project, a special project of the American Worker, and was paid for by the American Worker, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

U.S. Hispanic Country of Origin Counts for Nation, Top 30 Metropolitan Areas

by Mark Hugo Lopez, Associate Director, Pew Hispanic Center, and Daniel Dockterman, Research Assistant, Pew Hispanic Center


Hispanics of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban origin or descent remain the nation's three largest Hispanic country-of-origin groups, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. However, while the relative position of these three groups has remained unchanged since 2000, the next four Hispanic sub-groups grew faster during the decade.

Hispanics of Salvadoran origin, the fourth largest Hispanic country-of-origin group grew by 152% since 2000. The Dominican population grew by 85%, the Guatemalan population by 180% and the Colombian population by 93%. Meanwhile, the Cuban and Puerto Rican populations grow more slowly—44% and 36% respectively.

Despite their No. 1 status, Mexicans are not the dominant Hispanic origin group in many of the nation's metropolitan areas. Among the Miami metropolitan area's 1.5 million Hispanics, half are Cuban. In the New York-Northeastern New Jersey metropolitan area, 29.4% of Hispanics are of Puerto Rican origin and 19.7% are of Dominican origin. In the Washington, DC metropolitan area, Salvadorans are the largest group, comprising one-third of the area's Hispanics.

However, in many metropolitan areas, Mexican origin Hispanics are by far the dominant group among Hispanics. In Chicago, nearly eight-in-ten (79.2%) of the area's Hispanics are of Mexican origin. In the San Antonio, TX metropolitan area, Mexicans make up 91.3% of all Hispanics. And in Atlanta, GA, nearly six-in-ten (58.1%) Hispanics are of Mexican origin.

Country of origin is based on self-described family ancestry or place of birth in response to questions in the Census Bureau's American Community Survey and on the 2010 Census form. It is not necessarily the same as place of birth, nor is it indicative of immigrant or citizenship status. For example, a U.S. citizen born in Los Angeles of Mexican immigrant parents or grandparents may (or may not) identify his or her country of origin as Mexico. Likewise, some immigrants born in Mexico may identify another country as their origin depending on the place of birth of their ancestors.

The data for this report are derived from the 2010 U.S. Census and from the 2009 American Community Survey. The 2010 Census provides population counts for Hispanic origin sub-groups. The 2009 American Community Survey provides detailed geographic, demographic and economic characteristics for each sub-group.

Accompanying this report are national level profiles containing geographic, demographic and economic details for the ten largest Hispanic country of origin sub-groups—Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Salvadorans, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans,Colombians, Hondurans, Ecuadorians and Peruvians. Alongside these demographic profiles is an interactive graphic ranking the ten Hispanic country of origin sub-groups on several characteristics. These profiles and the accompanying interactive graphic are based on the 2009 American Community Survey.

An interactive graphic showing country of origin sub-groups among Hispanics in the nation's 30 metropolitan areas with the largest Hispanic populations is also available. This interactive graphic is also based on the 2009 American Community Survey.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

American Immigration Council Hails Decision Enjoining Enforcement of Arizona's SB 1070

American Immigration Council Hails Decision
Enjoining Enforcement of Arizona’s SB 1070

April 12, 2011

Washington, D.C - The American Immigration Council applauds yesterday’s decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upholding a preliminary injunction against the key provisions of Arizona’s SB 1070. As the court correctly recognized, Arizona’s misguided attempt to drive immigrants from the state interferes with the federal government’s exclusive authority to enforce immigration law, has negatively impacted U.S. foreign relations, and reflects the dangers of allowing states to enact a patchwork of conflicting regulations. The Ninth Circuit also rightly rejected Arizona’s claim that state police have “inherent authority” to enforce federal immigration laws and held that Congress intended state officers to “aid in immigration enforcement only under the close supervision of the Attorney General.”

“The Ninth Circuit’s decision does not discount the serious problems created by our broken immigration system,” said Ben Johnson, Executive Director of the American Immigration Council. “However, it confirms what members of the public have long known—that Congress, and Congress alone, has the power to regulate immigration in the United States.”

For more resources on SB 1070, see:


For press inquiries contact Wendy Sefsaf at or 202-507-7524

Visit our website at

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feria de Ciudadania Auspiciada por LiUNA Latino Caucus

Ver Video:

Un grupo de organizaciones está lanzando una campaña a nivel nacional para incentivar a la población latina a hacerse ciudadano de Estados Unidos y ejercer sus derechos.

La campaña fue anunciada el miércoles por el presidente del Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores de América del Norte, LIUNA, por sus siglas en inglés.

El primer evento de la campaña será aquí en Nueva York este sábado, una feria que proveerá asesoría legal gratuita para todos los interesados.

Según representantes de LIUNA, a nivel nacional hay siete millones de latinos que cuentan con los requisitos para ser ciudadanos pero no han hecho nada al respecto. Y en la Ciudad de Nueva York, esa cifra bordea el millón de personas.

La campaña busca crear conciencia sobre la importancia de participar activamente en la política de la ciudad y el país.

La primera fecha de la llamada "Feria de la Ciudadanía" es este sábado, de 11 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde, en la escuela Reinassance, en Jackson Heights.

La atención es con cita, para lo cual se le pide llamar al teléfono 646-943-6922.

Monday, September 13, 2010

LIUNA - Spanish News Clips 9-10-10

To keep abreast of coverage of LIUNA and issues important to LIUNA in the Spanish-language news media, we will be distributing a roundup of Spanish-language news coverage. Stories with a * specifically mention LIUNA. If you do not want to receive these news clips, simply let us know by replying to this email.


*Univisión - Obama lanzó nuevo plan de estimulo (Yanira Merino, LIUNA & Hilda Solís, DOL)


*La Opinión - Sindicatos en campaña electoral (Sergio Rascón LIUNA Local 300);a-el-208879-1.html#commentsBlock


* La Opinión - Una economía atascada (Sergio Rascón LIUNA Local 300)


*Univisión - Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores se reintegra a AFL-CIO


*El Mexicano - "LIUNA Construye Indiana 2010" luchará por trabajos en ciudades cercanas de Gary (Página 5) - Manos hispanas reconstruyen Zona Cero


EFE - Los latinos y la salud (El Presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, escribe esta interesante columna.)


La Opinión - Entrevista exclusiva con Presidente Obama


El Tiempo LV - Futuras contrataciones en EE.UU. beneficiarán a personal calificado


La Voz Arizona - Destinan recursos para ayudar a propietarios de viviendas


Washington Hispanic - Corte frena ley contra inmigrantes


El Tiempo Latino - Convocan a otra marcha en DC


Washington Hispanic - CHCI le da la bienvenida al mes de herencia hispana


CNN - Los mineros de Chile envían a la superficie un video con su rutina



Strategic Communications

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Ngullen Rivera
Chief of Staff
Laborers Local 78
30 Cliff Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10038
(C) 917.731.8392
(F) 212.406.1800

Saturday, August 28, 2010

LIUNA - Spanish News Clips 8-27-10

To keep abreast of coverage of LIUNA and issues important to LIUNA in the Spanish-language news media, we will be distributing a roundup of Spanish-language news coverage. Stories with a * specifically mention LIUNA. If you do not want to receive these news clips, simply let us know by replying to this email.

*Washington Hispanic - Obreros protestan contra empresa constructora

*El Tiempo Latino - Trabajadores protestan contra compañía en DC

*SDP (Notimex) - Exigen libertad sindical a compañía constructora en EUA

*Washington City Paper (VIDEO) DC Concrete Workers Rally for Justice

*El Día News (Indiana) - LIUNA se prepara para construir América Crear 463.000 Trabajos en Gary, Hammond y las comunidades adyacentes en Indiana

*Washington Hispanic - Se reunifican dos grandes centrales de trabajadores

*SDP (Notimex) - Se reintegrara LIUNA a central sindical AFL-CIO en EUA

*Noticiero Viva Vegas (VIDEO) - LCLAA Convención (John Delgado, Local 79 y Yanira Merino, LIUNA)

*Impre (VIDEO) - Arizona Trip (Humberto Gómez)

*La Opinión - Quieren trabajos, y los quieren ahora (Sergio Rascón)

La Opinión (EFE) - Baja la cifra de solicitudes por desempleo

La Opinión (AP) - Crece el riesgo de los embargos

Chicago Noticias - Inicia coalición campaña para aumentar voto inmigrante

Terra Noticias - ¿Cómo vive un indocumentado en EE.UU?

Univision (EFE) - Estados Unidos sufre un freno en su recuperación económica

Univision - Indice de aprobación mejoró para Obama pero aún sigue por debajo del 50%

Univision - El sueño americano se ha convertido en pesadilla para los latinos, según funcionario

BBC Mundo - Gobernadora de Arizona defiende a la ley SB 1070 en la corte

El Diario La Prensa - Mineros chilenos atrapados graban video|met:300|cat:0|order:4#commentsBlock

Telemundo (VIDE0) - Cómo viven los mineros atrapados en Chile